Private Communities & Homeowners Associations

Proactive private communities and homeowners associations by the thousands have uncovered a strategy that saves them money while effectively preserving their pavement assets using HA5 – High Density Mineral Bond.


Private Organizations & Community Customers

-Hear from our homeowners association and private customers on how they have transitioned to a longer-lasting and more cost-effective High Density Mineral Bond installation rather than going with a conventional 1-3 year seal coat, slurry or other surface treatment.

Cost-Effective HOA Road Maintenance: Tucson National Estates

Discover how Tucson National Estates in Tucson, Arizona, found a long-term, cost-effective solution to protect their community roads. HOA board member Darrell Stewart shares how the community’s search led them to Holbrook and the HA5 high density mineral bond treatment. Darryl explains why preserving pavement is crucial for HOA communities, how extending the life cycle of asphalt can significantly reduce overall costs, and why Holbrook’s service and HA5 product exceeded his expectations.

Hear firsthand how and why Tucson National Estates shifted from standard seal coating to a premium preventive treatment that aligns with their board’s commitment to protecting roads, which are often an HOA’s single most valuable asset. By opting for HA5, Tucson National Estates anticipates fewer maintenance cycles, increased property values, and greater peace of mind for residents.

How HA5 Transformed This Chandler, Arizona Community's Roads

Join Bob O’Hara, President of the Board at the Vasaro Homeowners Association in Chandler, Arizona, as he shares firsthand experience with HA5 High Density Mineral Bond.

After years of relying on standard seal coats that only lasted two to three years, Bob and his fellow board members searched for a more cost-effective, long-term solution for their 20-year-old community roads.

Discover why they chose HA5, how it’s saving them money in the long run, and why Bob says it’s “almost like having new asphalt”.

Community Manager Insights: How This HOA Saved Thousands on Street Maintenance with HA5

Discover how a luxury 125-home HOA community in San Tan saved substantial costs on street maintenance while keeping residents happy. Irina Glass from Trestle Management Group shares their success story by using HA5 for asphalt preservation.

How Pavement Preservation Saved This Arizona HOA $1.6 Million

See How One HOA Saved $1.6 Million with HA5 Road Treatment | Real Customer Story Marsha Han from Lone Mountain Community (794 homes) shares how switching from traditional seal coating to HA5 transformed their road maintenance strategy. Learn how they:  Saved $1.6 million over 20 years, Eliminated annual seal coating hassles, Maintained pristine roads for 2+ years and counting, Protected their HOA’s financial integrity.

Beating the Odds: How This Henderson Community Turned Back Time For Their Asphalt Assets

Tired of costly and ineffective pavement repairs?  HOA President Mark Geiger reveals how they were able to deliver the quality road surface their community wants without breaking the bank in Nevada’s harsh climate. This is a must-watch for HOA board members and property managers! Learn how HA5 can help your community: Solve pavement maintenance headaches, Maximize reserve funds, Eliminate material transfer issues, and Protect property values.  

Extending Asphalt Life: How One Florida HOA Saves Thousands

Discover how the Heather Ridge HOA in Florida is saving thousands of dollars by using HA5 High Density Mineral Bond to protect and extend the life of their roads. In this video, we dive into the innovative approach taken by Heather Ridge to maintain their community’s infrastructure, showcasing the benefits of HA5 and the significant cost savings achieved.

How a 100,000 Resident Florida Master-Planned CDD Extends The Life Of Their Asphalt Assets

Florida is a tough place for asphalt. Constant UV and moisture exposure works to break down asphalt and shorten it’s lifespan, posing a significant challenge for Florida’s asphalt owners. This Master-Planned CDD in Central Florida tried alternative methods to lower their asphalt ownership costs until they eventually discovered HA5 High Density Mineral Bond.

From 70% to 100%: How This Arizona HOA's Street Preservation Plan Increased Their Reserve Funding

Lone Mountain HOA in Cave Creek, Arizona, is reducing costs and preserving their roads with HA5 High Density Mineral Bond. Check out Lone Mountain’s smart strategy for maintaining their community infrastructure, emphasizing the lasting benefits of HA5 and the substantial savings they’ve realized. Discover the details and the long-term impact on road longevity, and hear firsthand from HOA members about their positive outcomes.

A Win-Win Pavement Preservation Strategy

Trilogy at Verde River is a prestigious gated community located just east of North Scottsdale. The community boasts entertainment and fine dining options, one feature of Trilogy at Verde River, which will contribute to the quality of the residents’ lives in a very different way. .

Adopting a Long Term Mindset For Pavement Preservation

A long-term mindset for asset management is essential for asphalt owners who want to maximize the life of their pavement and, ultimately, save money. That’s the approach that JMI takes. JMI manages commercial properties throughout southern Utah. They do their best to stay ahead of maintenance needs as much as possible. This means that they like to take a proactive approach to pavement preservation.

Ken Bedrosian - HOA President, Stetson Ranch, Las Vegas, NV

Ken, seven years after selecting HA5, discusses his community’s pavement management plan, including their expectation of return on investment and improving the visual impact of the streets.

Master Community Lowers Resident Contributions after HA5’s Performance

Large homeowners associations can be complex to manage. There can be thousands of residents and hundreds of items that the HOA is responsible to maintain. Just staying organized can be a daunting task. Keeping the community in the best shape possible is an incredible effort.

Reserve Analysts' Thoughts on HA5

The rising cost of goods and services can make managing and HOA challenging, but there are strategies that boards can use to help offset the costs.  Hear what these reserve analysts have to say about their experience with HA5 and how it impacts community budgets.

Lynbrook Estates HOA Board Discusses Switching From Slurry to HA5

Lynbrook Estates is a beautiful community made up of 4 separate “quads” located in Las Vegas, NV. The community had infrastructure issues from the time it was first built. After years of using crack fill and slurry seals, they finally decided that they needed to find a better solution, or they would be faced with the heavy costs of a full asphalt replacement.

Bob Zaniewski - HOA President, Siena at Summerlin, Las Vegas, NV

Bob discusses his community’s installation of HA5, including their expectation of return on investment and improving the visual impact of the streets. 

John Thompson - HOA President, Anthem Country Club, Henderson, NV

John explains how he and the other board members educated themselves on various pavement preservation strategies and determined that HA5 was the best option.

Ken Hill - HOA President, Red Rock Country Club, Las Vegas, NV

Red Rock County Club’s HOA President and Community Manager discuss HA5’s financial impact on their reserve study and long-term maintenance plan, and reasons for resident satisfaction. 

Curt Balko - HOA President, Villages of La Canada, Phoenix, AZ

Curt discusses his community’s move to High Density Mineral Bond from their previous chip seal program, saving almost 50% in their reserve costs. 

Roy Wennerholm - Road Manager, Kayenta HOA, St. George, UT

Roy explains why they chose to go with a High Density Mineral Bond (HA5) rather than with a conventional slurry. Roy discusses the residents’ reaction as well as the half-million dollar savings the community expects to achieve.

Jerry Campbell - AOPC President, HOA Consultants Founder, Vista Del Sol, St. George, UT

Jerry, a retired engineer and resident at Vista Del Sol, gives his insight on the process the HOA went through in becoming educated in pavement preservation.

Mimi Bales - HOA President, Chapparal Vista Estates, Phoenix, AZ

Mimi discusses how as President of the Board the decision was made to move from using seal coats to instead installing longer-lasting High Density Mineral Bond.

Darcy Stewart - Developer of Sunriver Retirement Community, St. George, UT

Darcy explains how he came to be associated with Holbrook Asphalt and the quality he has received from them.

Cindy Nelson - HOA President, Sunset Greens, Mesquite, NV

Cindy discusses how they discovered that the seal coats on their streets were not holding up and embarked on a research process to find the lasting performance they knew they needed.

Lee Loichle - HOA President, The Boulders, Phoenix, AZ

Lee goes through the ongoing plan they have implemented to keep all the roads in their community in good shape with a different but better approach than they had engaged in previously.

Pat Calnon - HOA Treasurer, Los Prados, Las Vegas, NV

Pat discusses why they chose to install HA5 on their streets. Their HOA has 1.8 Million SQ FT of asphalt and 1,358 single-family homes.

JoAnn Ripley - HOA President, Agua Dulce, Phoenix. AZ

JoAnn (Association President), and Dave (Board Member) discuss getting the most for their community’s money with 400 homes and the research process they engaged in. Residents stated this is the best job they have seen in the 14 years this community has existed.

Amy Roberts - Community Manager, Sun Ridge Canyon, AZ

After implementing HA5 into their reserve funding, Amy explains how they were able to rework their plan and move out an expensive rehabilitation project from 30 years to 43 years, significantly improving their overall financial outlook.

Terry Miller - HOA President, Tamarack Ridge Estates, St. George, UT

In this video, Terry details why their HOA chose to install HA5 on their roadways, based on recommendations they received from other HOAs.

Rich Batten - HOA Board Member, Tuscan Hills, St. George, UT

Rich explains the process the HOA went through in educating themselves about the necessity of preserving their HOA’s most expensive asset, their streets, and how they came to choose the HA5 treatment. 


Patrick Neely - HOA President, Phoenix, AZ

In this video, Patrick explains how his community rose to the challenge of finding a long-term fix for preserving the condition of their roads.

Linda Byrd - Community Manager, Gardens Gilbert, Phoenix, AZ

Linda explains how HA5 is about preserving the underlying structure of the pavement and the importance of understanding the impact in the long run.

Shelley Reith - AACM Community Manager, Province HOA, AZ

Shelley shares insights on how this community with over 1,000 homes has put a plan in place that saves the community money while effectively preserving the communities infrastructure using HA5 — High Density Mineral Bond.

Korin Hatch - Vice President Preferred Communities, Phoenix, AZ

Korin, after visiting HA5 installations, has recommended HA5 to communities she works with as a Community Manager because of the cost-saving benefits.

Michael Nerdin - HOA Facilities Director, Stone Cliff, St. George, UT

Stone Cliff is a high-end community in Saint George, Utah. The long-time facilities director that is fondly referred to as a “recovering seal coat user” shares his insights on the performance he’s witnessed over the past five years since the community began using HA5 High Density Mineral Bond.

Debbie Harper - Community Manager, FireRock Golf and Country Club, Fountain Hills, AZ

Debbie discusses moving from a 1-2 year seal coat to a longer lasting, more effective High Density Mineral Bond and the impact on the reserve study.

Blair Barnhardt - Founder & Executive Director International Pavement Management Association

Blair gives his expert insights on pavement preservation and the use of High Density Mineral Bond (HA5) to cost-effectively extend pavement life.

Leanne Pope - HOA President, Emerald Forest, San Antonio, TX

Leanne shares her experiences on how she and the board decided to go with HA5 as their preferred pavement management strategy.

Roger Able - HOA Board Member, Barton Creek Country Club, Austin, TX

Roger, a former HOA board member with Barton Creek Country Club, describes how he and the other board members chose HA5, as it was the best decision for preserving Barton Creek’s pavement.

Joe Garcia - HOA Board Member, Rhodes Ranch, Las Vegas, NV

Joe explains the process the HOA went through in educating themselves about the necessity of preserving their HOA’s most expensive asset, their streets, and how they came to choose the HA5 treatment.

Erin Camden - HOA President, Southern Terrace, Las Vegas, NV

Erin explains the reasoning the HOA had behind choosing to install HA5 on their 1.2 Million SQ FT of roadways for their 908 single-family home HOA.

Effectively mitigating costs by extending the life of your pavement assets requires planning. Know the answers to questions like…

When do I initiate a pavement preservation program?

The latest research shows the oxidative damage to pavement happens surprisingly early in a pavement’s life before visible cracking occurs. Proactive planning versus reacting reduces the cost of pavement ownership.

I’m not sure if all options are being presented by my contractor?

Many contractors only tell about you what they offer, not necessarily what’s best for extending the life of your asphalt. You need to be aware of all the options before making a decision.

Previously applied treatments didn't last. Why?

Often it is just the nature of the treatment installed. For example, seal coats are becoming a less valuable option due to the development of High Density Mineral Bonds that have a considerably longer life.

How do I know if I’m getting a quality treatment?

Only time will tell, so the wrong treatment can be a very costly mistake. The best assessment of what works is visiting projects that are four and five years old.

The Proven Strategy to Save Money

Proactive private businesses and organizations by the thousands have uncovered a strategy that saves them money while effectively preserving their pavement assets using HA5 – High Density Mineral Bond.

Whatever the use of the asphalt pavement you own or manage, remember one thing: you can manage your asphalt assets or they will manage you. If you manage them, that means a lot less out of your pocket.

Evaluating what’s proven to work in your area will help spend the least amount of money over time. The more you get educated you become on pavement and put the right strategies in place, you will benefit from:

        • The Lowest Possible Expenditures
        • Higher Aesthetics & Property Values
        • Fewer Premature Failures
        • No Special Assessments
        • More Predictable Costs
        • Reduced Need for Costly Rehabilitation or Reconstruction

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